We have so many fawns come in, now we have over thirty. There is a group of 16 that are living in a fenced in area, overnight and it nice to see there progress. We currently have 31 raccoons, of all of the raccoons seem to have different ages, patterns, and personalities. I never realized how diverse raccoons are. Some of the coon's coats are very dark and mostly black, while other are also blonde or have hint of red. They also have many different personalities.
Several times we have been able to take the juvy raccoons outside to play in the grass. They are so adorable playing in the grass and playing with flowers. The raccoons are able to chase fly and bumblebees and smell new smells. It just shows that the are one step closer to being released.
Its hard sometimes to be out here, so far away from West Monroe, where everything is familiar, but I feel like I have learned a lot so far. Not just about wildlife, but also about different regions of the United States and how what is normal and common for a Virginians is foreign or wierd to someone who has lived in Ouachita Parish the majority of her life.
"If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese. "
Ted Nugent