Sunday, April 15, 2012

Looking into the Future from the Past

Junior High Clair
In the eighth grade my English teacher--who I despised--gave us a journal assignment.  Every week or so we would walk into the classroom and a journal topic would be on the board. We would have a couple of minutes to write our response before the normal class would start.

Today's Clair
In September 2003 (about nine years ago), our topic was "Where do you think you will be in ten years".  So, as a 12 year old I wrote about how my perfect 22 year old self would live.

"I will still be in college working on a Ph.D. in Herpetology and working part time as a zoo keeper. I will be attending a college in Virginia or North Carolina.  I plan to at least have a serious boyfriend, who shares my love of science.  By this time I have four years of Latin and two years of French. I will be successful and happy at the age of 22."

Even though I haven't exactly accomplished everything that junior high Clair thought that I would, but I think junior high Clair would be proud (or at least not disappointed in) Now Clair.