Sunday, September 25, 2011

With a Little Help from My Friends

Sometimes its the littlest things that make the biggest difference.

Canoeing on Bayou Desaird

Like someone texting you "Good Luck" before you have a big test, or someone just asking you if your okay, when it is obvious that you aren't.  You really know that someone cares about you when they realize that your favorite Icee flavor isn't at the gas station, and so ya'll go to another to find it.  When someone makes you yellow cake cupcakes with chocolate frosting, that is certainly a sign that your friend cares about you.  Friendship is sometimes is a fifteen minute phone call talking about nothing in particular, but it is at the exact right time. And sometimes its a text that says a lot more than just the two sentences on the screen. A good friend knows that sunflowers mean more than gerber daisies. Most important your friends never stifle your you-i-ness, they help you be the youiest you that you ever could be.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

 Hello People of the Interwebz!

Its been a little while since I've updated.  Well, I have started back school--my senior year! Once again, I am being submerged in science, and once again I love it.  I'm taking two biology classes, two geology class, and organic chemistry.  I love learning about dinosaurs, minerals, heredity, and homologous organs, and I guess alkenes and the likes aren't too bad.

I really don't have much to say. I like school. I like work. I every much like my evolution class especially because of Joel's and Stormy's company.  Its a very interesting class and probably my favorite of the semester, but I'm not in a biology lab this semester.
Grasshopper that I saw at the La Purchase Zoo on Labor Day.

I miss not having a biology lab. I got so used to putting on my boots or waders and catching amphibians, learning how to identify specific oak trees, or looking at gram stains under the scopes. I miss just bio lab so much.  It makes me think that I may be leaning towards a career in field biology that would require graduate school. I would love to go to graduate school and study ecology, but I also think that a career working in a natural history museum would be cool.  I know that I would love either career path. Musuems or the outdoors? Dress pants or waders? Two very different career paths with so many options. 

I am not a spring chicken any more. As of Saturday I am 21.  Does this give me anymore clarity on what career path to chose? No, of course not, but it does kind of mark the beginning of a new era.  Friday I was twenty, but now I am in my twenties.  Does this make me feel old?  Kinda.  Am  I having my quarter life crisis?  I think I already did that after I turned 20.

My two besties! Wikki and Eagle Eye

Well, that's really all I'm going to leave you with a fun fact like usual.

*~*Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur ever described scientifically.*~*