Monday, September 12, 2011

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

 Hello People of the Interwebz!

Its been a little while since I've updated.  Well, I have started back school--my senior year! Once again, I am being submerged in science, and once again I love it.  I'm taking two biology classes, two geology class, and organic chemistry.  I love learning about dinosaurs, minerals, heredity, and homologous organs, and I guess alkenes and the likes aren't too bad.

I really don't have much to say. I like school. I like work. I every much like my evolution class especially because of Joel's and Stormy's company.  Its a very interesting class and probably my favorite of the semester, but I'm not in a biology lab this semester.
Grasshopper that I saw at the La Purchase Zoo on Labor Day.

I miss not having a biology lab. I got so used to putting on my boots or waders and catching amphibians, learning how to identify specific oak trees, or looking at gram stains under the scopes. I miss just bio lab so much.  It makes me think that I may be leaning towards a career in field biology that would require graduate school. I would love to go to graduate school and study ecology, but I also think that a career working in a natural history museum would be cool.  I know that I would love either career path. Musuems or the outdoors? Dress pants or waders? Two very different career paths with so many options. 

I am not a spring chicken any more. As of Saturday I am 21.  Does this give me anymore clarity on what career path to chose? No, of course not, but it does kind of mark the beginning of a new era.  Friday I was twenty, but now I am in my twenties.  Does this make me feel old?  Kinda.  Am  I having my quarter life crisis?  I think I already did that after I turned 20.

My two besties! Wikki and Eagle Eye

Well, that's really all I'm going to leave you with a fun fact like usual.

*~*Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur ever described scientifically.*~*


  1. You don't have to know what career to choose. I think it will all fall into place for you. Seems your semester is off to a good start. Let's keep it that way please.
    With love from the oldie but goodie.

  2. Marci! Thanks your so sweet. Whitley and I miss seeing you so much. We all need to get together for lunch some time.
