Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Thursday will be better." --Alyssa

Today was the third say of my seventh semester.  The end is in sight.

So, the Wednesday before my final in chemistry.  I was miserable. I was freaking out over school,  and work, and money, and Alyssa going to Boston, and Joel being in limbo, and Stormy's silence, and Chelsey not being at school with me, and basically anything else I could think about to worry about.  I left my study group when my eye were filled with tears, I knew there was no point in crying in front of my study group--it was just time to go home.  I called Alyssa, she told me that Thursday would be better.  So, I spent the better part of an hour telling her that Thursday would not be better.  But in fact Thursday was better; Thursday was fantastic.

Clair and Ace chillin in the SUB first day of school.

That Thursday was a turning point.  It didn't fix the world, but enough things were fixed that the others are manageable. On that Thursday, I passed general chemistry.  On that Thursday, things with Stormy got better.  On that Thursday, I got  promoted to circulation--the job I've wanted for the past 4 1/2 years at the library.  And on Friday, Joel transferred to ULM.  Alyssa went to Boston, Chelsey's not at ULM, school is still expensive, and classes are still challenging, but its okay. That's life.  There's no such thing as perfect, but there's such thing as happy.

A baby anole my mom found.
Now, classes have started.  I'm excited for this semester. I'm ready to learn something new and interesting.

*~*Not-so-Fun Fact:  AIDS causes more death globally than car wrecks and war combined.*~*

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